Natural spaces
The large area of the province of Huesca (15.671 km2) makes it possible to find a great diversity of natural landscapes in its territory, since in its only 200 km from north to south, it passes from the Pyrenean summits, exceeding 3000 m , The Pyrenean Somontano to which the semi-desert sites of Monegros and the lands of the Bajo Cinca occur.
From the Pyrenees to the plain, Huesca has a great diversity of changing geological forms, in which each season unveils colors, lights and shapes, and where wind, water and sun are the true constructors of the landscape.
Abrupt topographies of the Pyrenees in front of the placidity of the vast plains of the depression of the Ebro. Aguas bravas, later remansadas, that give fertility to the flat lands, result of a permanent dialogue between the man and his surroundings.
You can know more about the protected natural spaces in the Natural Network of Aragon